Three- to five-year-olds are active, curious, and eager to learn. The Preschool Program provides many opportunities for the children to test out their developing bodies, intellects, and interests. The following classrooms offer various activity centers that foster a creative, hands-on approach to learning and discovering. Through the Creative Curriculum program, the classrooms are filled with materials that encourage manipulating, experimenting, and problem-solving. Our preschool program is divided into three classrooms; a mixed toddler-preschool group, a three-year-old group, and pre-kindergarten.
The Junior Preschool classroom is a mixed group of toddlers and preschoolers ranging in age from 2 years, 6 months to 3 years, 3 months. These children are ready for a more challenging program within a small group setting. Junior Preschool serves as a transition room between our toddler and preschool classrooms. In addition to working on the children's cognitive and physical skills, the teachers encourage their self-help skills, social skills, problem-solving skills, and independence, all of which prepare them for a larger group setting.
The Preschool One classroom provides each child the opportunity to build confidence in their self-help, problem-solving, and social skills. They become more independent and develop more self-control, further preparing them for their next learning experience. Our well-rounded curriculum includes language arts, math-readiness activities, science experiments, dramatic play, music, movement, creative arts, and outdoor play.
Our pre-kindergarten classroom gives older preschoolers the opportunity to acquire the skills that will enhance their future success in kindergarten. We continue to work with the children both individually and in small groups on building positive social interactions with others, as well as developing a love of learning. We continue to build a solid foundation in literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, and technology. More emphasis is placed on number and letter recognition, writing skills, and pre-reading skills. The children learn about other countries—including their culture, traditions, clothing, food, and lifestyle—and become aware of how other people live both around the world and all around them in Greater Boston. This helps prepare children for kindergarten.